Heian Godan (平安五段) Bunkai.
TORI (取り) Oi tsuki.
UKE (受け) Uchi uke (to the left), grab,
gyaku tsuki - arm twist - kage tsuki to the back.
TORI Oi tsuki - step back - mae geri, oi tsuki.
UKE Morote uke on spot - pause - Juji uke gedan and juji uke jodan on spot (open hands on the second one) - grab - twist the arm, kirikaeshi, oi tsuki to the back.
TORI Mae geri, oi tsuki.
UKE Gedan barai and hansho on spot (same arm) - grab - mawashi geri, tetsui.
TORI Oi tsuki.
UKE Morote uke on spot (legs togeather) - grab with the left hand - punch ura tsuki with the other one - sweep -jump over the body down getting kamae.
TORI Mae geri, oi tsuki jodan
UKE Gedan shuto - jodan araji uke (same arm), nakadaka ken - haito (left) to the throat, hand sweep - Shuto uchi down.