Dojo Terms
Common Terms.
Karate (空手)Kara - empty, te – hand
Karateka (空手家) Someone who practices karate
Shotokan (松涛館)Shoto - pine leaves, Kan - House
Dojo (道場)Training Hall, lit. place of the way
Sensei Teacher
Kyu Levels below black belt
Dan The black belt levels
Instructions in the Dojo.
Rei Bow
Yoi Ready position
Chūdan (中段) Stomach level
Jōdan (上段) Head level
Gedan (下段) Groin level
On some occasions the Sensei may count in Japanese. Counting in Japanese is fairly simple and normally in Karate you only need to know how to count to ten!
Ichi (一) One
Ni (二) Two
San (三) Three
Shi (四) Four
Go (五) Five
Roku (六) Six
Shichi (七) Seven
Hachi (八) Eight
Kyu (九) Nine
Ju (十) Ten
Kihon (基本) Fundamentals or basics
Kata (型 or 形) Form or pattern
Kumite (組手) Sparing/fighting
Gedan Barai (下段払い) Downward block
Age Uke (上げ受け) Rising block
Uchi Uke Middle inside block
Soto Uke Middle outside clock
Shuto Uke Knifehand block
Tate Shuto Uke Straight armed knifehand block
Tsuki (突き) Punch
Oi Tsuki (追い突き) Stepping punch
Gyaku Tsuki (逆突き) Reverse punch
Kizami Tsuki (刻突) Front hand snap punch
Ren Tsuki 2 punch combination
Sanbon Tsuki 3 punches
Age Tsuki Rising punch
Age Empi Rising elbow strikeYoko Empi Side elbow strike
Maewashi Empi Roundhouse elbow strike
Nukite Spear hand strike
Shuto Knife hand strike
Haito Ridge hand strike
Uraken uchi Backfist strike
Geri Kick
Mae Geri Front kick
Yoko Geri Side kick
Maewashi Geri Roundhouse kick
Ushiro Geri Back kick
Kakato Geri Axe kick
Ushiro Maewashi Geri Reverse Roundhouse
Tobi Geri Flying kick
Ashi Waza Leg techniques
Nami Ashi Block using the leg, as in Tekki Shodan
Zenkutsu Dachi Front stance
Kokutsu Dachi Back stance
Shiko Dachi Horse Riding stance with feet pointed outward
Kiba Dachi Horse stance with feet pointed forward
Heisoku Dachi Feet together stance
Heiko Dachi Natural stance